Project MUSE offers subscription access to hundreds of prestigious peer-reviewed scholarly journals from more than 120 leading publishers, most made available to libraries in a number of Journal Collections, each designed to meet specific needs and budgets. Subscriptions operate on a calendar year term; all subscriptions expire on December 31. Subscriptions for MUSE Journal Collections beginning after January 31 will be pro-rated for the remainder of the calendar year. There are no rolling subscription terms. Consortium subscription [#link to Consortia and Sales Agents/For Librarians section] arrangements are available.

Journal Collections

Libraries considering a MUSE Journal Collection subscription may:

  • View a Collection Comparison [#link to SEGMENT-SPECIFIC collection comparison showing only collections associated with this type of library] chart to see and compare the titles included in the available collection options
  • Request a free 45-day trial [#link to Journal Collection Trial Access form/For Librarians section] to a selected collection. Trials are limited to one per 24-month period.
  • Request pricing [#link to Journal Collection Price Request form/For Librarians section] for one or more MUSE Journal Collections
  • Preview and complete the Project MUSE Journal Collection License Agreement [3link to Journal Collection License Agreement/For Librarians section]
  • Place an order [#link to Journal Collection Order form/For Librarians section] for a MUSE journal collection

Single Title Subscriptions

Selected journals are available for single title subscriptions [#link to Journal Single Title Information/For Librarians section] on MUSE. Not all titles available for individual subscription are included in the MUSE Journal Collections; some journals are available only for single title subscription. Libraries may order single title subscriptions directly with MUSE, or through their usual subscription agent.