Project MUSE pricing for international academic institutions is determined through several steps:

Step 1: World Bank World Development Indicators. [link current WDI document] This classification scheme groups countries into four categories based on GNI per capita: High Income, Upper Middle Income, Lower Middle Income, and Low Income.

Step 2: Degrees offered in Humanities and Social Science disciplines. In consultation with the librarian or consortium head, Project MUSE determines how many PHD, MA, BA, and AA degree programs are offered by the institution in the disciplines supported by Project MUSE content.

Step 3: Additional factors may be considered on a case by case basis. Full time equivalent (FTE) numbers of students and faculty will sometimes be considered, as well as socio-political, economic, structural, and technological factors that may influence funding for education in a particular country or during a particular period of time. For non-academic libraries, factors such as the population served by the library may be considered.